Sakura International English School Terms and Conditions

  1. Monthly tuition Fees, etc.
    • The fees for the entire year can be paid in one lump sum (due at the time of joining), three payments (every 4 months) or semi-annual payments. All payments will be thru automatic bank debit transfer
  2. Number of classes per year
    • Kindergarten classes and day care will be conducted according to the annual calendar. Please note that there may be changes.
    • Day care hours are from 8:30 to 16:00.Extended stay is free until 16:15 only; otherwise exceeding time will be charged ¥800 per hour.
    • In cases of big disaster such as earthquake, typhoon or storm, there will be no classes when we decide that it is dangerous to go to the kindergarten. Please note that there are no make up lessons for these classes.
  3. Withdrawal from Sakura International English School
    • If you wish to withdraw from the school, please contact us as soon as possible. You will need to submit a withdrawal notice. Please make a request at least 3 months before your cancellation of membership. For example, if you wish to withdraw from the membership at the end of April, please submit a withdrawal notice by the end of January. Please note that if the submission is delayed, the tuition fee for the following month will be calculated and cannot be refunded. However, the teaching material fee and facility maintenance fee will be paid in a lump sum for each specific period and will not be refunded.
    • If you do not submit a withdrawal notice, you will be required to pay a monthly fee, facility maintenance fee, school lunch fee, etc. We do not accept cancellation over the phone.
    • If your child is absent without notice for a month and cannot be contacted, you will lose your Sakura International English School membership.
    • If you make late payments for 2 months and cannot be contacted, you will lose your Sakura International English School membership. Still unpaid payments will be charged.
    • In case of absence due to sickness,family reason and any related issue,NO REFUND shall be given back to the parents.
    • In cases of big disaster such as earthquake, typhoon or storm, there will be no classes when we decide that it is dangerous to go to the kindergarten. Please note that NO REFUND shall be given back to parents.
    • If any of the parents decide the child to be absent from class due to any reason including , ”My child is bullied in class”, ”My child couldn’t go because friends are being mean to her/him”, NO REFUND shall be issued.
  4. About re-enrollment to Sakura International English School Company
    • We welcome re-enrollment whenever there is a vacancy. The admission fee or joining fee will be charged again in case of re-enrolment.
  5. About The Teachers
    • If the homeroom teacher is sick or has an emergency and needs to take a day off, there will be a substitute teacher.
  6. Personal information protection
    • Based on the Personal Information Protection Law, the personal information of the students and their families will be used only for the operation of Sakura International English School, and will not be provided to third parties or used for any other purpose however the school has the right to share this information to the official company translator or interpreter who signed the pledge of Secrecy stating that all information given to her/him will be used for official purposes only.
  7. About Health
    • Admission to class will be denied if the child has a fever of 37.5℃ or higher. If vomiting/ diarrhea is prevalent, if the child has vomit/ diarrhea even once, we will have to ask the parents to pick the child up. Please make sure that there is no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours after the last symptoms before coming to the school. If the child is suspected to have the following infectious diseases, you may be asked to leave early at the discretion of the school. Influenza, pertussis, chickenpox, mumps, rubella, measles, conjunctivitis, hemolytic streptococcal infection, exanthem subitum, impetigo, infectious diarrhea etc. Please refer to the attached sheet for infectious diseases that require a permit and notification.
  8. School absence
    • If the child is absent due to poor physical condition or other reasons, please contact us by phone between 8:00 and 9:15. If you are using the school pick up please contact the driver directly (telephone, short message, line, etc.) If you plan to take a rest in advance, please write it down on a note and give it to the homeroom teacher. Regarding number 2, you can also contact us by email.
    • In case of withdrawal, no refund will be given after the 5th of the current month.Example: If the student withdraws by August 6th,the august tuition fee will not be refunded. Withdrawal before 5th will be entitled to 20% of the tuition fee.
  10. Others
    • Parents are responsible for picking up and dropping off their children.
    • We are not responsible for any matters or incidents that occur outside the Sakura International English School school premises.
    • Parents are not allowed inside the classroom and are hereby requested to just drop off and pick by the entrance door. If parents continue to interfere with the class, they may be asked to withdraw from the membership. In that case, there will be no refund of the paid tuition fee, facility maintenance fee, etc.
    • Please refrain from soliciting or advertising about other organizations, religions, sales, etc. in the school.

At Sakura International English School, we make sure that we do not handle personal information in places that are not related to childcare, but we use daily childcare scenery for advertisements in the school’s pamphlets, leaflets, homepages, Facebook, magazines, etc. We have prepared a consent form for consent, so please fill it out and submit it. Complaints and Inquiries can be done by email.Japanese email is fine. I understand the above and agree to follow the terms and conditions.


  • 活動しやすく履きやすきもの(なるべく自分で履けるもの)
  • ちょうど良い大きさのもの
  • 月曜日に持ってきて、金曜日に持ち帰りますので、上履き入れもご用意ください。
  • 靴底が白もしくは薄い色のものをお選びください
  • 手拭きタオル(紐をつけてください)
  • 指定のリュックで登園ください。
  • 指定の帽子とポロシャツを着てください。重ね着をする場合も、ポロシャツが一番上になるように着てください。
  • 歯ブラシ(コップ袋に入れてください)(3歳から)
  • 水筒(中身はお茶もしくは、水)
  • ランチセット(お箸、スプーン、フォーク、ランチョンマット24cmx34㎝の生成り色)必ずご自宅でも同じもので少し練習して、慣らしてください。
  • おむつ(マジックで記名してください)とおしりふき(必要なお子様のみ)
  • 下着2枚
  • 靴下2足
  • 季節に合った着替え2着程度(上下)
  • 汚れ物用の袋1枚(見本をお見せします)
  • 液体のり、クーピー、クレヨン(お道具箱は不要)


What to wear and bring
Shoes and clothes should be

  • comfortable to move in and easy to put on and take off (we teach children to change their clothes and shoes by themselves)
  • well-fitting
Indoor shoes
  • You will also need a sack to bring the indoor shoes to school every Monday and take home every Friday.
  • Only indoor shoes with white or light colored soles are allowed
In the backpack, put
  • a hand towel (a towel that has a loop string for hanging on hooks)
  • a toothbrush (please put it in a sack big enough to put a cup and toothbrush in it) (from age 3)
  • water bottle (with water or tea inside)
  • a lunch set (spoon, fork, chopsticks, cup and lunch mat 24cmx34cm beige color) Please have your child practice with them at home in order to get accustomed to their lunch set.
  • diapers (if he/she needs) (write child’s name on the diaper) 1 pack of wet wipes
Things to leave at school
  • a sack with change of clothes including the following: Two pairs of underwear, two pairs of socks, two shirts and pairs of pants that match the season, plastic bag to put dirty clothes inside (we will show you a sample)
  • glue, Coupy crayons, crayons
Please write your child’s name on all of his/her belongings, clearly and big enough to see.
Sometimes, children like to take school materials home. If you find any in their backpacks or pockets, please return them to the kindergarden

Our School

Sakura International English School is a family- friendly school that builds relationships with family and community, links family events to students’ learning, supports parents’ advocacy, and honors families' diversity

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